This recipe is perfect for the harvest season, especially as a Thanksgiving side dish. The Three Farmers Camelina Oil used in the recipe is especially high in omega-3s, as well as vitamin E. It has a very high smoke point, and is great for cooking, dressings, sauces, dips, and more. Try out this delicious recipe and see what you think!
4 large organic beets
2 tbsp. Three Farmers Camelina Oil
Herbamare/pepper, to taste
4-5 large organic kale leaves (washed and stems chopped off)
1 cup pumpkin seeds, toasted
3 tbsp. hemp seeds
1 cup fresh stemmed dill
1 tbsp: apple cider vinegar
2 tsp. lemon juice
1 tbsp. honey
2 tbsp. Greek yogurt
1/2 cup Three Farmers Camelina Oil
For the salad, dice the beets and toss with 2 tbsp. Three Farmers Camelina Oil, season with Herbamare and pepper, and roast until tender. Once finished, combine all salad ingredients into a large bowl.
For dressing, toss dill, yogurt, lemon juice, vinegar and honey into a blender. Blend till smooth. Slowly add oil while blending. Pour over salad and toss. Makes 6 sevings. Enjoy!
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