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5 Tips For Staying Healthy While Staying In

5 Tips For Staying Healthy While Staying In

Last week was the longest year ever! So much has happened in such a short amount of time and gathering your thoughts and feelings about the world at this time can be overwhelming. While we’re social distancing, it can be easy to fall into negative habits and routines. That’s why we’re here to provide you with 5 helpful tips that will keep you well while staying in.

  1. Get Fresh Air & Sunshine Whenever You Can

Going outside when you’re told to stay inside can be intimidating, but just getting 5 minutes of fresh air and sunshine can completely change your mindset. We find the best time to get fresh air is first thing in the morning – make your morning coffee or tea and stand on your porch/balcony and take a deep breath. Get that fresh air flowing through you and collect your thoughts, you will feel so refreshed and ready to take on the day! If you’re longing for more outside time, we recommend going for a walk with your partner or family (keep your distance from anyone else you see!)

If the thought of going outside is overwhelming to you, try opening a window in your home and start with a few deep breaths. Try to spend your time in an area with the most natural light, and let the sun hit your skin. We all must start somewhere!

  1. Keep an Exercise Routine

With the current state of the world, it’s hard to stay motivated and focused on moving your body, but it is so important and will make you feel better! There are so many resources on the world wide web that will help you in your social isolation exercise routine! Don’t just focus on high intensity either – any movement for your body is good movement! Start taking up yoga or pilates, play fetch with your pup in the backyard, or just start by walking around your house every hour, stretching, and getting your blood flowing!

  1. Cook Healthy Meals

Avoiding stress/bored eating comfort foods can be difficult when you’re constantly close to your fridge – but who says that all comfort foods must be bad for you! When we’re craving comfort food, we take a step back and try to understand what about the food we’re craving. Do we want that food because it’s salty? Do we want it because it’s warm? Do we want it because we’re craving carbs? Once you pinpoint why you’re craving that comfort food, you can take a step back, and create a healthier version of the comfort food you’re craving.

It is also 100% okay to indulge from time to time as well – if you’re craving ice cream, grab your spoon and enjoy! It’s all about moderation and doing what makes you and your body feel good.

If you’re feeling a bit bored and unmotivated in the kitchen, try stepping out of your comfort zone in the kitchen! Since you are home and have time on your side, really think out what you want to make. Try making that over-the-top avocado toast you saw on Instagram, try your backlog of healthy breakfast recipes on Pinterest, the possibilities are endless!

  1. Spread Kindness

Our latest catchphrase here at Goodness Me! Is #WereInThisTogether – meaning that we’re thinking of everyone during this hard time and supporting our staff and customers the best way we can. We encourage that you seek out how to spread kindness anyway that you can. Help your neighbour out with cleaning their property, purchase and deliver a grocery care package for a senior citizen, support a small business by ordering takeout or purchasing a gift card to use at a later date, or whatever you think will spread kindness.

Make sure to also spread kindness in your inner-circle as well – check on your friends who are suffering with anxiety/depression, talk to your family members and ask if they need anything from you, or see if you can take anything off your co-workers plate. Stress is high right now for everyone, so we can all benefit from spreading kindness.

  1. Stay Connected

Staying connected with your loved ones is important while we’re in social isolation. If you’re living with your family and/or partner, it’s easier to socialize, but if you’re living alone, we have some tips for you to stay connected.

We’re grateful to live in an age where facetime exists! Take this time to catch up with your friends and family, schedule a time where you’re both free to talk, make some coffee and have a digital coffee date. This will help take your mind off the stress of the outside world, and you get to catch up with a friend.

If facetime isn’t your thing, you can also join us on our Goodness Me! Community Facebook page – we’re trying to keep spirits high by sharing recipes, thoughts, and love for one another. We have also moved our classes to online webinars - that way you can still learn, all while social distancing!

We hope that these tips can inspire you to stay well while staying away. Remember to stay home if you’re able to, avoid going out unless you must grab some essentials, and stay 6 feet apart! We’re in this together and with the effort of everyone, we can flatten the curve.

Previous article Health Essentials for Fall 2021

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