Due to the high volume of orders we are processing, our shipping and order terms have been adjusted to meet this demand.
- Orders will be shipped and processed "as is" for the time being. This means if 1 or more of the items in your order are unavailable we will ship your order with what is currently in-stock at the time of processing. We are unable to communicate the status of missing items until the order has already shipped.
- We are unable at this time to make product substitutions for online orders.
- We are not able to offer rain-checks on sale prices for out of stock items.
- Refunds on any items missed from your order will be refunded in 24-48 hours past the shipping notice.
- Please do not place 2 orders back to back with the same products in order to avoid quantity limits. (this will trigger an order cancellation)
- If all of the products in your order are unavailable by the time your order is being processed we reserve the right to cancel your order entirely.
- Due to health and safety concerns we are unable to accept product returns in-store or online.
Thank you for bearing with us though these difficult times. We will return to our high level of customer service that you can expect from us soon.
Please note *These are temporary measures put in place and do not reflect our typical level of service.