- A.Vogel
- a2 Milk Company
- Abeego
- Abokichi
- Acai Roots
- Ace Bakery
- Acropolis Organics
- Acure
- Aerobic Oxygen
- Aeryon Wellness
- Aidan's Gluten Free
- Aiya Company Limited
- Alaffia
- Alderwood
- All Free
- All Good
- All Things Jill
- Allen's
- AllergySmart
- Allimax
- Allkidz
- alo
- Alpha Health
- Alter Eco
- Always Bearded
- Amano Foods
- Amino Snacks
- Amy's Kitchen
- Ancient Secrets
- Andalou Naturals
- Anita's Organic Mill
- Annanda Chaga
- Annemarie Borlind
- Annie's
- ANS Performance
- Anthony's Goods
- Antipodes
- Apetina
- Applesnax
- AquaOmega
- Arizona Pepper
- Arla Foods
- Armstrong
- Aromaforce
- Artisana
- Arvinda's
- AspenClean
- Athletic Alliance
- Atkins Ginseng Farm
- Atlantic Mariculture Ltd
- Atlantick
- Atrantil
- Attitude
- Aura Cacia
- Aussie Trace
- Avarelle
- Awaken My Senses Organics
- Axel Kraft
- Bach Original Flower Remedies
- Badger
- Bag to Earth
- Bakers Supply House
- Balzac's
- Barbara's Bakery
- Bard Valley
- Basd
- Beaver Rock
- BeeKeeper's
- Bel Boursin
- Bel Mini Babybel
- Bell
- Belmont
- Bend Beauty
- Bentilia
- Best Baa Dairy
- Better Bears
- Better Than Bouillon
- Beyond Meat
- Beyond Moo
- Big Mountain
- Bingo
- Bio Lonreco
- Bio Raw
- Bio Strath
- Bio-K +
- Bioitalia
- BioSteel
- Biotta
- Biovert
- Black River
- Blender Bites
- Blue Diamond
- Blue Goose
- Blume
- Bob Snail
- Bob's Red Mill
- Bobo's
- bodyFood
- Boiron
- Bolton's Natural
- Bombay Dine
- Bone Brewhouse
- Bonterra
- Boo Bamboo
- Booch
- Boreal Heartland
- Botanica
- Botanique by Himalaya
- Boulart
- Boylan Bottleworks
- Bragg
- Bremner's
- Brew Dr. Kombucha
- Bro Dough
- Brooklyn Born
- Broya
- Brush With Bamboo
- Brust
- Bubbies
- Buck Naked
- BulletProof
- Butterfly Weed
- Caboo
- Caf-Lib
- Caffi
- Califia
- Camino
- Canadian Heritage Organics
- Canadian Heritage Roasting Co
- Cannanda
- CanPrev
- Cape Herb & Spice Company
- Capilano
- Carbonaut
- Care Plus
- Carina Organics
- Carlson
- Casa Bonita
- Casa Fiesta
- Casbah
- Castello
- Caulipower
- Cedar Valley
- Celestial Seasonings
- Celtic Sea Salt
- Ceres Fruit Juices Ltd.
- Certified Naturals
- Cesares
- Cha's Organics
- Cheeky Bee
- Chickapea Pasta
- Chimes
- Chocosol
- ChocXO
- Chosen Foods
- Circle of Life
- City Ice
- Clef Des Champs
- Clever Mocktails
- Clif
- Coco Natura
- Coconut Secret
- Cold Mountain
- Collective Arts
- Color Garden
- Colora Henna
- CookiePal
- Cookin' Greens
- Cookstown Greens
- Cool & Simple
- Coombe Castle
- Core & Rind
- Cosmic Bliss
- Country Prime Meats
- Cove
- Covered Bridge
- Cows Creamery
- Coyote
- Crank
- Crate 61
- Crazy D's Soda Labs
- Crazy D's Sparkling Prebiotic
- Crazy Mooskies
- Crofter's Food Ltd
- Cross Wind Farms
- Crunchmaster
- Cuisine L'Angelique
- Cultured Coconut
- Daiya Foods
- Dandies
- Dandy Blend
- Daryl's
- Dear Grain
- Decode
- Deebee's Organics
- Demdaco
- Derlea
- Derma E
- Desert Essence
- Devon Cream Company
- Dimpfelmeir
- Diva International Inc.
- Divine Essence
- Do Matcha
- Dom's Deodorant
- Dose Juice
- Douglas Labs
- Dr. Bronner's
- Dr. King's
- Dr. Klein's
- Dr. Mist
- Dr. Oetker
- Dr. Praegers
- Dr. Reckeweg
- Dr. Squatch
- Dr. Tungs
- Dr. Whitaker
- Dream Pops
- Druide
- Dubreton
- Dumet
- Dutchman's Gold
- E-Cloth
- Earth Balance
- Earth Island
- Earth Mama
- Earth Valley Organics
- Earth Wise
- Earth's Care
- Earth's Choice
- Earth's Own
- Earthbound Farm
- Earthlab
- Earthli
- Eat Wholesome
- Eatable
- EatLove
- Eby Manor Golden Guernsey
- Eco by NATY
- Eco Tan
- Eco Tools
- Eco-Pioneer
- EcoCoconut
- Ecoideas
- EcoSafe Zero Waste
- Ecover
- Eden
- Edward & Sons
- Efamol
- Egglife
- Egyptian Magic
- Elan Bio
- Elmhurst
- Elora Bread
- Emile Noel
- Emmi
- Endangered Species Chocolate
- Ener-C
- Ener-Life
- Enerex
- Enjoy Life
- Enlightened
- Enzymedica
- Epic Blend Premium Lip Balm
- Epsom Gel
- Equal Exchange
- Ergogenics Nutrition
- Eska
- Essencia
- Essiac Products Inc.
- Ethical Bean
- Evanhealy
- Ever Bamboo
- Evergreen
- Every Man Jack
- Everyone
- Evive
- Explore Cuisine
- Farm Girl
- Farmer's Market
- Farmhouse Culture
- Fatso
- Fauxmagerie Zengarry
- Fazup
- Felicetti
- Fenwick Candles
- Fever Tree
- Field Roast
- Fillo's
- Filsinger's
- First Food Organics
- FitBite
- Flora
- Flourish
- Flow
- Fody Food Co
- Food for Life
- Formaticum
- Four O'Clock
- Four Sigmatic
- FourX Better Chocolate
- Free2b
- Freeman Organic Herbs
- Fresh Is Best
- Freshfield
- Frog Friendly Coffee
- From the Ground Up
- Frontera
- Frontier Co-Op
- Future Farms
- Gabriel
- Galerie Au Chocolat Inc
- Gandalf Spirulina
- Gardein
- Garden of Life
- Gemaro bakery
- Genestra
- Genial Day
- Genuine Health
- George's
- Georgian Bay Granola Company
- Gerolsteiner
- Giancarlo Polenghi
- Gimme
- Giovanni
- Gluten Free Bar
- Glutenull
- GM Fresh Cut Fruit
- GNA Naturals
- Gnubees
- Go Macro Bars
- GoBio
- Goddess Garden
- Gogo Quinoa
- Gold Mine Natural Food Co
- Gold Rush
- Golden Dawn
- Golden Egg
- Golden Valley
- Goli
- Good Drink
- Good Eats
- Good Food For Good
- Good Juju
- Good To Go
- Good Vibes
- Goodness Me
- Grain Harvest
- Grain Zero
- Grainfields Bakery
- Great Lakes
- Great Lakes Wellness
- Green & Black's Organic
- Green Beaver
- Green Goddess
- Green Ocean
- Green Sun Foods
- Green Table
- Greenbelt
- Greenhouse Juice
- Gruvi
- GT's Organic Kombucha
- Guayaki
- Gunn's Hill
- Gusta
- Hair Essentials
- Halvana
- Hamakua Plantation
- Happy Natural Products
- Happy Planet
- Hardbite
- Harley Farms
- Harmless Harvest
- Harmonic Arts
- Harmony
- Harmony Organics
- Harvey and Vern's
- Healtea
- Health Management Books
- Healthology
- Healthy Genie
- Healthy Hippo
- Healthy Pup
- Heartwood Sparkle
- Hedd Wyn Essentials
- Hello Bello
- Hello Joyous
- Henry's Tempeh
- Herbal Factors
- Herbal Glo
- Herbal Naturals
- Herbaland
- Herban Cowboy
- Herbaria
- HerbaSante
- Herbatint
- Herbion
- Here We Flo
- Heritage Products
- Hewitt's Dairy
- Hilary's Eat Well
- Himalaya
- Hippie Foods
- Hitchhiker
- Hofland
- Holle
- HOLOS Foods Inc
- Holy Napoli
- Homeocan
- HomeoVet Homeopathic Drops
- Honeybar
- Honibe
- Hope Eco
- Hornby Organics
- Host Defense
- House Foods
- Housecut
- Hubner
- Humble
- Humble Seedz
- Hungry Buddha
- Huron Sun
- Hurraw!
- Hyalogic
- Hyland's
- Kaha Nutrition
- Kalaya
- Karthein's Organic
- Kauka Smile
- Kawartha
- Keep Leaf
- Kerrygold
- Kettle Foods
- Ki
- Kicking Horse Coffee
- Kids Konserve
- KidStar Nutrients
- Kidz
- Kiima
- Kiima + Groom
- Kiju
- Kikkoman
- King Solomon Dates
- Kinnikinnick
- Kitchen Basics
- KMH Touches
- Koochikoo
- Koop's Organic
- Kosmea
- Koyo
- Krisda
- Kyolic
- KZ Clean Eating
- L'Ancetre
- L'Extra
- La Luna
- La Pimenterie
- La Preferida
- La Presserie
- La Soyarie
- La Tortilla Factory
- La Tourangelle
- LaCroix
- Lactantia
- Lafe's
- Laiki
- Laird Superfood
- Lakanto
- Lakewood
- Landish
- Lara Bar
- Last Object
- Lavilin
- Le Comptoir Aroma
- Le Grand
- Le Pain des Fleurs
- LeafSource
- LeanFit
- Left Coast Naturals
- Left Coast Organics
- Lemon Aide
- Lesser Evil
- Let's Do... Organic
- Level Ground Trading Ltd.
- Liberte
- Life Choice Ltd.
- Life Source Natural Foods
- Life Without Waste
- lifefactory
- LifeStraw
- Light Life
- Lila Loves Organics Inc.
- Lilly Bean
- Lilo & Co
- Lily of the Desert
- Lily's Sweets
- Liquid Earth
- Little Northern bakehouse
- Little Stream
- Live Kombucha
- Live Organic Food Products Ltd
- Living Alchemy
- Living Clay
- Lodge
- Lotus Rice
- Louisiana
- Love Child
- Love Good Fats
- Lumiere de Sel
- Lundberg Family Farms
- M-C Dairy
- MacKeller Farms
- Mad Hippie
- Mad Mexican
- Made Good
- Maine Coast Sea Vegetables
- Maison Orphee
- MalaBliss
- Maldon
- Mamas Life Products
- Manchego
- Manitoba Harvest
- Manitoba Milling Company
- Manuka Health
- Maple Dale
- Maple Organics
- Mapleton's Organic
- Maranatha Natural Foods
- Marci's Bakery
- Mark's Mennonite Meat
- Marlow
- Maroma
- Marseilles Remedy
- Martin & Pleasance
- Martin's
- Martina Collection
- Marty's Pickles
- Marukan
- Mary's Organic
- Matcha Ninja
- Mateina
- Matter
- McLean Meats Inc
- Mega Food
- Melt
- Mestemacher
- Metagenics Inc
- Mezzetta
- Mid-Day Squares
- Middleton's Plant Based Foods
- Mike & Mike's
- Milkadamia
- Millbank Cheese
- Miller's Dairy
- Mindful Monk
- Mineral Fusion
- Miracle Noodle
- Mistyglen Creamery
- Mitoku Macrobiotic
- Mitsoh
- Miyoko's Kitchen
- Monsieur Gustav
- Moon Cheese
- Moonshine Mama's
- More Than Lips
- Mori-Nu
- Moss Creek
- Mother Raw
- MotherLove
- Mount Hagen
- Mountain Gems
- Mountain Oak
- Mozi-Q
- Mr. Amish
- Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
- MSPrebiotic
- Muir Glen
- Murray's Farm Heritage Eggs
- Muskoka Mornings
- MyJool
- myLifeEssence
- Mylko Inc
- Nairn's
- Naka
- Naka Platinum
- Naka Professional
- Naked and Saucy
- Namaste
- Nanashake
- Natalies Juice
- Native
- Native Forest
- Natracare
- Natrel
- Natreve
- Natur
- Natur-a
- Natura Solutions
- Natural Calm
- Natural Factors
- Natural Traditions
- Nature Clean
- Nature Lion
- Nature's Aid
- Nature's Bakery
- Nature's Charm
- Nature's farm
- Nature's Harmony
- Nature's Path
- Nature's Way
- Naturemary
- NaturPet
- Naturtint
- Navitas Organics
- Naya
- Neal Brothers
- Nellie's
- Nelson Naturals
- Neocell
- Neogenis
- New Chapter
- New Moon Kitchen
- New Nordic
- New Roots Herbal
- Nickel Brook
- Nin Jiom Medicine Manufactory
- Niyama
- No Brand
- No Whey
- Noble Bean
- Noble Jerky
- Nomz
- Nona Vegan Foods
- Nonna Pia's
- Nooch Pop
- Nora Seaweed
- Nora's
- Nordic Naturals
- Nordora
- North American Hemp Co.
- North American Herb and Spice
- North Coast Naturals
- Northland Floral
- Novo Mel
- Now Design
- Nu-Life
- Nuco
- nud fud
- Nudefruit
- Nummy Creations
- NuPasta
- Nutiva
- NutJar
- Nutra Research Int'l
- Nutrameltz
- Nutramin
- Nutravite
- NutriMax
- NutriPur
- NutriSpring Farms
- Nuts For Cheese
- Nuts to You Nut Butter Inc
- Nuun & Company
- NuvoCare
- O'Doughs
- Oak Manor
- Oatbox
- Odd Burger
- Oh My Spice
- Ohh! Foods
- Oiamiga
- Olbas
- Old Croc
- Olive Baby
- Olivia's Kitchen
- Olympic
- OM Mushroom
- Omega Alpha
- Omega Nutrition
- One Degree
- Oneka Elements
- Ontario Natural
- Oome
- Orange Naturals
- Orange-A-Peel Cleaner
- Organic Matter
- Organic Meadow
- Organic Traditions
- Organically Yours
- Organika
- Organyc
- Oroweat
- Ovation
- Owl & Goose
- Ozery
- Pacha Soap
- Pacific Foods
- Pacifica
- Paese Mio
- Palmini
- Pamela's Products
- Panda
- Paqui Tortilla Chips
- Paradise Fields
- Parissa
- Parmela Creamery
- Pascoe
- Pasta Tavola
- Patch
- Patience Fruit & Co
- Paw Plus
- PB2
- Peace River
- Peas in a Pod
- Penny Lane Organics
- Perfect Chef
- Pfennings
- Phillip Adam
- Phoeapolis
- Piccola Cucina
- Pierogi House Company Limited
- Pietro's Gluten Free
- Pinehedge Farms
- Planet Bean
- Plantropy
- Plantworthy Food
- Platinum Naturals
- Pluck
- Plumpp
- POM Wonderful
- Pomona's
- Prairie Naturals
- Prana
- Pranarom
- Prasad Ayurveda
- Precision
- Preferred Nutrition
- Preserve Products
- Pretto's Pasta
- Pretzilla
- Primal Kitchen
- Profi
- Progressive
- ProSpek
- Proud Source
- Provisions Food Company
- Provita
- Pukka
- Pulp & Press
- Pur Gum
- Pure Encapsulations
- Pure Lab Vitamins
- Pure-le Natural
- Purelygreat
- Purest
- Purica
- Radius
- Raffaele di Mamma
- Raincoast Trading
- Raw Vitality
- Rawesome
- Real Pops
- reCAP
- Red Crown
- Redfeather
- Redmond Trading Co.
- Remedy Drinks
- Renew Life
- RespirActin
- ReZip
- Righteous
- Ripple
- Rise Kombucha
- Rishi
- Riviera
- Riz
- Rizopia Food Products Inc.
- Roar Organic
- Rock Harbour
- Rolling Meadow
- Rootalive
- Rossdown
- Routine Natural Deodorant
- Rviita Energy Tea
- RW Garcia
- Safe Catch
- Saffron
- Salus
- San Pellegrino Terme
- San-J
- Santa Cruz Organic
- Santevia
- Sapsucker
- Saugeen Country
- Save Da Sea
- Savera
- Savor
- Say When Beverages
- Schar
- Schinoussa
- Schmidt's Deodorant
- Schuessler
- Sea Tangle
- Seasnax
- Selva
- Shady Maple Farms
- ShaSha Bread Co
- Sheldon Creek
- Shepherd Gourmet Dairy
- Shoosha
- Sierrasil
- Siete
- Silk
- Silver Biotics
- Silver Hills
- Silver Leaf
- Simpla
- Simply 7
- Simply Clean
- Simply Delish
- Simply Goodness
- Simply Organic
- Simply Protein
- Sisu
- Skin Essence Organics
- Skinny Pop
- Skotidakis
- Smart Solutions
- Smart Sweets
- SmartyPants Vitamins
- Smith Farms
- SNACK 21
- Snack Conscious
- So Delicious
- Sobaya
- Sober Carpenter
- Sol Cuisine
- Solar Gold Dried Fruit
- Solar Raw Food
- Solenzi
- Soss
- Soul Chocolate
- SoulDeo Naturals
- Sovereign Silver
- Spades Brand
- SpaTone
- Spectrum Naturals Inc
- Sperri
- Spirit Bear
- Splendor Garden
- Sprague
- Spring Creek Farms
- Sproud
- Sprout Living
- Sprout Master
- Sproutamo
- Spry
- Spry Kids Tooth Gel
- St. Brigid's Creamery
- St. Claire's
- St. Dalfour
- St. Francis
- Stahlbush Island Farms
- Stash
- Steaz
- Stellas
- Stickling's Bakery Ltd
- Stoked Oats
- Stonemill Bread
- Stonewall Kitchen
- Strauss
- Stush
- Subi Foods inc.
- Substance
- Sukin
- SUKU Vitamins
- Sun Tropics
- Sun Warrior
- Sunbutter
- Suncoat
- Sundhed
- Sunflower Kitchen
- SunForce
- Sunny Boy
- Sunshine Farms
- Sunview
- Suro
- Suzie's Organics
- Sweet & Friendly
- Sweet Leaf
- Sweet Nutrition
- SweetMonk
- Sweets from the Earth
- Swerve
- Tanit
- Tartistry
- Taste Nirvana
- Tasty Bite
- Tates Bake Shop
- Taza Chocolate
- Teeccino Caffe Inc
- Tegor Laboratorios
- Tender & True
- Terra
- Thai Kitchen
- Thayers
- The Artisan Bakery
- The Ginger People
- The Good Crisp
- The Grain Escape
- The Honest Co.
- The Nirvana Corporation
- The Oat Company
- The Scented Market
- The Soap Works
- The Udder Way
- The Unscented Company
- The Wizard's
- Theo
- Thera Wise
- Think
- Thirsty Buddha
- Thirsty Naturals
- Thornbury
- Thorne
- Thornloe
- Three Farmers
- Thrive Plant
- Thunderbird
- Thursday Plantation
- Tillen Farms
- Tinkyada
- Tints of Nature
- TMRW Foods
- To-Go Ware
- Tofurky
- Tofutti
- Tonica
- Top Grass
- Touch Organic
- Trace
- Traditional Medicinals
- Tre Stelle
- Tree Island Yogurt
- Triple Leaf Brand
- Trophic
- Tru Niagen
- True Citrus
- Truely Cereal
- Truly Grass Fed
- Tutti Gourmet
- Two Bears
- Two Hills
- Waisamama
- Wakewater
- Walter's
- Wan Ja Shan
- Watermaker Inc
- Watkins
- Watson Gloves
- Wax + Fire
- Wedderspoon
- Weleda
- West Coast Seeds
- Western Rice Mills
- Whole Alternatives
- Whole Earth & Sea
- Wholesome Sweeteners
- Wholly Veggie
- Wholly Wholesome
- Wild Root
- Wild Rose
- Wildbrine
- Wildwood
- With The Grain Bakery
- WomenSense
- Woodlot
- Woof Organics
- Woolwich Dairy
- Wrap It Up Raw
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{"one"=>"Select 2 or 3 items to compare", "other"=>"{{ count }} of 3 items selected"}